
Origin 8.5 digitizer
Origin 8.5 digitizer

Once a popular downloadable tool on the OriginLab website, the Digitizer has been revamped and integrated into Origin as a floating dialog-based tool. A "Fit Peaks" context menu available in OriginPro further allows users to fit the identified peaks by selecting from over 20 built-in peak functions, or a user-defined peak function. Support is provided to output over 15 peak parameters, including peak location in x/y, area, and centroid. The Quick Peaks Gadget allows the user to define and subtract a baseline from spectra, and identify peak locations within a region of interest. This is what the Cluster Gadget now offers," says OriginLab founder Dr. There is no better way to do this than to simply highlight the range graphically with either a rectangular or circular shaped ROI indicator and then click a button. We recognize that users will often need a quick way to either perform descriptive statistics or need to mask, clear or delete extraneous data on a certain region of data. "Our users have asked for easier ways to perform their routine analysis tasks. Two new Gadgets were developed for Origin 8.5.1 in response to customer needs, namely Cluster Gadget and Quick Peaks Gadget. Originally introduced in Origin 8.5, Gadgets provide an intuitive interface for performing dynamic data analysis on a selected region of data. Leading the Origin 8.5.1 feature list are two new data analysis Gadgets, and a versatile tool to easily reconstruct a graph from a scanned image. With a version number usually indicative of an incremental improvement, this new version promises to surprise users not only with its numerous improvements and enhancements, but also with its new analysis features often found only in major updates. NORTHAMPTON, Mass., Ap/PRNewswire/ - OriginLab Corporation today announced the release of Origin 8.5.1 and OriginPro 8.5.1.

Origin 8.5 digitizer