Make sure you know how much the lot is worth because that’ll be the purchase price. The first thing you’ll need to do is purchase the strip club through your phone.

Strip Club settings are located in the Nudity menu of Wicked Whims mod. This will allow all sims to come to the club no matter their relationship status. The other settings are pretty clear and up to preference but I’ll also change the Clients Visitation Limits to disabled. Bar earning multiplier set to 200 as well. The Dancer Profit Share Percentage is set to default. You can set them how you want but for this I want the dancers to earn a good amount but the bar needs to really increase income.

Download Strip Club Hereīefore you open the strip club for business you can change how much money and profit you can make through the settings menu. You can also find many more strip clubs on the gallery. It’s a smaller 50×40 lot, extra vip room, and everything you need to launch your new empire. If you don’t want to build your own Strip Club then download the updated version of my brothel strip club. This is the easiest way to make money but you can’t measure it or see it when looking at the Finance Report for the Strip Club, only your household money amount. An interesting feature of the Entrance Fee mod is that you can set the fee to how much you want. The bouncer will keep drunk Sims in line. Now you’ll earn money when Sims visit the strip club. Set the venue type of the strip club to residential, it’ll automatically be converted into generic using the Wicked Whims mod, add the entrance fee lot trait from the Entrance Fee Mod, and the Bouncer lot trait from Basemental Drugs Mod in build mode. For everything else you’ll probably need an office with a computer, vault to keep money secure and hide drugs, brothel rooms, and extra rooms to expand into. The basic areas are the stage for your dancers with added stripper dancing poles and dancing markers where you want, bar, and seating for customers. There aren’t any special requirements to building a strip club but if you’re going to run a criminal organization from your strip club I recommend having several areas for operations. Required And Recommended Mods – Get To Work Expansion Required With the increase in profits comes an increase in possible legal problems that includes getting busted by police and going to jail. To make sure you earn as much money as possible expand the strip club into a criminal organization through drug dealing, and pimping. Sometimes the bar and dancers don’t earn enough or you lose money. This guide will focus on adding more income streams to maximize how much you can earn. This is an updated Wicked Whims and Wicked Perversions mod guide for the brothel and strip club gameplay. This guide is intended for readers 18 years old and older.